


2011年郑蝴蝶剪纸艺术大师很荣幸的接受了 中国国家博物馆相关人员邀请,为中国国家博物馆LOGO设计创意艺术剪纸。历经6个月的精心创作制作,巨幅经典艺术剪纸《九鱼跃龙门》创作完成!
整幅剪纸以中国国家博物馆LOGO为主题,以中国传统民俗寓意创意设计,LOGO上方以喜鹊祥云构图。“喜鹊”有欢天喜地 好运与福气的象征,“祥云”蕴含“渊源共生,和谐共融”的华夏传统,LOGO周围以九鱼荷花构图。九鱼中,“九”取长长久久之意,“鱼”取其万事如意,寓意年年有余。荷花是友谊的象征和使者,在中国传统文化中荷花代表吉祥如意的寓意!
Zheng Hudie, master of paper-cut honored received invitation of National Museum of China in 2011, to design creative paper-cut for LOGO of National Museum of China. Huge paper-cut《nine fishes cross dragon gate》 was created after six month meticulous creatation.
Whole structure of《nine fishes cross dragon gate》 symbolize that history and culture of the chinese nation in five thound years is collected by National Museum of China. It also witnessed the road to revival of chinese nation in hundreds years. In times of peace, it spread peaceful culture and carry forward chinese civilization.